HMAP World Story
고흐의 무덤
1890년 7월 27일, 고흐는 들판으로 걸어나간 뒤 자신의 가슴에 총을 쏘았다. 그는 바로 죽지는 않았지만 그 총상은 치명적이었다. 그는 비틀거리며 집으로 돌아간 후, 심하게 앓고 난 이틀 뒤, 동생 테오가 바라보는 앞에서 37세의 나이로 숨을 거뒀다. 그리고 몇 개월 지나지 않아 동생 테오도 매독을 앓다가 죽었다. 두 형제의 시신은 나란히 묻혔다.
[자세히보기]출처 : Wikipedia
Vincent and Theo's Graves
Theo's health deteriorated in the months after the death of his brother. He was admitted to the Willem Arntz Hospital, a psychiatric hospital, in Den Dolder on 18 November 1890. He had been diagnosed in Paris as suffering from a progressive and general paralysis. Initial examination confirmed this diagnosis. By 1 December his medical notes confirmed he presented all the symptoms of dementia paralytica, a disease of the brain. He died on 25 January 1891. The cause of death was listed as dementia paralytica caused by "heredity, chronic disease, overwork, sadness". In 1914, Theo's body was exhumed and reburied with his brother at Auvers-sur-Oise.
[Learn more]Source : Wikipedia