HMAP World Story
야율아보기 (872-926)
요나라의 초대 황제. 아버지 덕조를 계승해 추장이 된 이후 술수를 써 모든 거란족을 질랄부에 복속하는 방식으로 통일한 후, 종신 세습제 가한에 취임해 실질적인 제정을 성립시켰다. 이후 916년 황제 칭호를 사용했고, 서쪽의 탕구트와 동쪽의 발해를 복속해 대제국을 건설했으며 자체적인 문자인 거란 문자를 만드는 치적을 남겼다. 태조 생전 요나라의 국호는 거란(계단, 契丹)이었다. 이후 태조를 계승한 태종대에 국호를 거란에서 현재 잘 알려진 요(遼)로 변경한다.
[자세히보기]출처 : 나무위키
Abaoji (872-926)
Abaoji was born in 872 in Southern Mongolia and had a turbulent childhood. His grandfather was killed in a conflict between tribes, and his father and uncles fled. He was hidden by his grandmother for his safety. He became khagan of the Khitans on 27 February 907, and was subsequently enthroned as emperor in 916, proclaiming his own era name. He died on 6 September 926. He was responsible for the conquest and unification of all of Inner Mongolia, northern China and southern Manchuria. After the Khitan Empire became the Liao dynasty in 942, Abaoji was posthumously considered a Liao emperor.
[Learn more]Source : wikipedia