HMAP World Story
네블리나 산
네블리나 산은 브라질 북서부의 아마조나스주에 있는 산으로 베네수엘라와 국경지대 부근에 있다.
Pico da Neblina
Pico da Neblina is the highest peak in Brazil, 2,995.3 metres (9,827 ft) above sea level, in the Serra da Neblina, part of the Serra do Imeri, a section of the Guiana Highlands on the Brazil–Venezuela border. As determined by a border survey expedition in 1962, its summit lies just within Brazilian territory, at a horizontal distance of only 687 m (2,254 ft) from the Venezuelan border at Pico 31 de Março.
[Learn more]Source : Wikipedia