HMAP World Story
운요호 사건 (1875.9.20)
운요호 사건((고종 12년) 또는 강화도 사건(인천)은 통상조약 체결을 위해 일본 군함 운요호가 불법으로 강화도에 들어와 측량을 구실로 조선 정부의 동태를 살피다 조선 수비대와 전투를 벌인 사건이다.
[자세히보기]출처 : Wikipedia
Ganghwa Island incident (1875.9.20)
The Ganghwa Island incident or the Japanese Battle of Ganghwa was a purposely armed clash between the Joseon dynasty of Korea and Japan which occurred in the vicinity of Ganghwa Island on September 20, 1875. It was a form of gunboat diplomacy and this incident occurred intentionally for the purpose of opening Korea.
[Learn more]Source : Wikipedia