HMAP World Story
애버딘 FC
애버딘은 과거 알렉스 퍼거슨 감독이 팀을 맡았던 시절 스코틀랜드 프리미어리그 3회 우승, 스코틀랜드 컵 4회 우승, UEFA컵위너스컵(82/83) 우승 등 여러 대회에서 총 10번의 우승을 거두며 전성기를 누렸다.
[자세히보기]출처 : Wikipedia
Aberdeen F.C.
Formed in 1903 as a result of the amalgamation of three clubs from Aberdeen, they rarely challenged for honours until the post war decade, when they won each of the major Scottish trophies under manager Dave Halliday. This level of success was surpassed in the 1980s, when, under the management of Alex Ferguson, they won three league titles, four Scottish Cups and a Scottish League Cup, alongside the two European trophies.
[Learn more]Source : Wikipedia