HMAP World Story
젠나르젠투 국립공원
사르데냐 동쪽 해안지역에 있는 국립공원으로 청정자연을 보호하여 무플런, 사르데냐 산토끼, 사르데냐 여우, 황금독수리, 지중해몽크바다표범, 향유고래, 돌고래 등 야생 동물의 개체수가 많다.
Gennargentu National Park
The Gennargentu National Park is a national park on the east coast of Sardinia.Wildlife in the park includes the Felis lybica sarda (also known as Sardinian wildcat), the mouflon, the marten, the weasel, the edible dormouse, the garden dormouse, the Sardinian fox, the griffon vulture, the golden eagle, the Bonelli's eagle, the peregrine falcon, the great spotted woodpecker, the butterfly Corsican swallowtail. Marine mammals include the Mediterranean monk seal, the fin whale, sperm whale, and various smaller whales and dolphins
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