HMAP World Story
성 미카엘 성당
‘달의 호수’를 뜻하는 몬트제호 옆에 위치한 호수 마을, 몬트제가 유명해진 첫 번째 이유는 영화 <사운드 오브 뮤직>에서 마리아와 트랩 대령의 결혼식 장면을 촬영한 몬트제 교구성당(Mondsee Basilica of St. Michel)이 있기 때문이다.
출처 : 오스트리아관광청
Mondsee Abbey
The region of the Mondseeland, in which Mondsee is located, was formerly part of Bavaria. In 748 Mondsee Abbey was founded by Odilo, Duke of Bavaria. The abbey tradition was that the first monks came from Monte Cassino in Italy. In 788, after the fall of Duke Tassilo III, Mondsee became an Imperial abbey and over the centuries acquired extensive property. Around 800 the Codex Millenarius, an illustrated Latin book of the Gospels was written at the abbey. In 831 King Louis the Pious gave the monastery to Regensburg Cathedral.
[Learn more]Source : Wikipedia