HMAP World Story
제이조 시장
제조 시장은 미얀마 만달레이에서 열리는 시장으로, 1,2층은 잡화, 의류 매장이 많고 3층은 보석 가게와 금은방으로 되어 있다.
[자세히보기]출처 : Wikipedia
Zay Cho Market
Zegyo Market, covering 12 acres, was founded during the reign of King Mindon. It was a principal distribution centre for beans, citrus fruit, cotton, nuts, onions, rice, tobacco and wheat as well as the main market for jewellery and handicrafts such as silver and gold embroidery. The market was destroyed by fire in 1897, and rebuilt in 1903 with a masonry structure designed by an Italian, Count Conte Calderari. In the 1990s, the colonial era structure was pulled down and replaced with a Chinese-style shopping centre.
[Learn more]Source : Wikipedia