HMAP World Story
라플레시아 (시체꽃)
라플레시아는 동남아시아의 섬과 말레이 반도 등에 분포하는 라플레시아과의 기생식물이다. 세계에서 가장 냄새가 심한 꽃이기도 한다. 라플레시아는 1미터까지도 자란다. 이와 비슷한 꽃으로 타이탄 아룸이 있는데, 그 꽃도 매우 큰 꽃이라고한다. 타이탄 아룸도 또한 지독한 냄새를 풍기는데, 이는 주위에 파리를 끌어모아 꽃가루를 퍼지게 하기 위해서이다.
[자세히보기]출처 : Wikipedia
Rafflesia (Bunga Bangkai)
Rafflesia is a genus of parasitic flowering plants. It contains approximately 28 species (including four incompletely characterized species as recognized by Willem Meijer in 1997), all found in Southeast Asia, mainly in Malaysia, Thailand and the Philippines. It was first discovered by French surgeon and naturalist Louis Deschamps in Java between 1791 and 1794, but his notes and illustrations, seized by the British in 1803, were not available to western science until 1861. It was later found in the Indonesian rainforest in Bengkulu, Sumatra by an Indonesian guide working for Joseph Arnold in 1818, and named after Sir Stamford Raffles, the leader of the expedition.
[Learn more]Source : Wikipedia