HMAP World Story
오마르 카이얌 (1048-1131)
오마르 하이얌은 페르시아의 수학자, 천문학자, 철학자, 작가, 시인이다. 이항정리를 증명하였다. 그가 만든 달력은 16세기에 나온 그레고리 달력보다 더 정확하였으며, 3차 방정식의 기하학적 해결을 연구하였다.
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Omar Khayyam (1048-1131)
Omar Khayyam was a polymath, known for his contributions to mathematics, astronomy, philosophy, and Persian poetry. He was born in Nishapur, the initial capital of the Seljuk Empire. As a scholar, he was contemporary with the rule of the Seljuk dynasty around the time of the First Crusade.
[Learn more]Source : Wikipedia