HMAP World Story
블라우제(Blausee) 자연공원은 베르너(Bernese) 알프스의 보석과도 같은 곳: 깊고 맑은 청색 물이 차가 다니지 않은 20 헥타르 크기의 자연공원에 둘러싸여 있다. 알프스의 송어가 물 속에서 많이 서식하는 것으로 유명하다.
[자세히보기]출처 : Switzerland Tourism
Thanks to its very special color and the crystal-clear water, which has its source in subterranean springs, Blausee is one of the best-known mountain lakes in Switzerland. It is located in the midst of a 20 hectare large nature park with a landscape formed by a rock slide that led to the creation of the lake. The lake and the special forest charmed local inhabitants and tourists early on. In 1885 Blausee was praised in a travel guide as a "jewel of a landscape immersed in magical forest solitude". Today the region is very accessible, thanks to walking paths, picnic spots and bonfire spots. There is a hotel with a spa directly on the shore of the lake, and next to it there is a successful organic trout farm.
[Learn more]Source : Switzerland Tourism