월트 디즈니 콘서트홀
월트 디즈니 콘서트홀(Walt Disney Concert Hall)은 로스앤젤레스 사우스 그랜드대로 111 로스앤젤레스 뮤직 센터에 있는 콘서트홀이다.
[자세히보기]출처 : Wikipedia
Walt Disney Concert Hall
The Walt Disney Concert Hall at 111 South Grand Avenue in downtown Los Angeles, California, is the fourth hall of the Los Angeles Music Center and was designed by Frank Gehry. It opened on October 24, 2003. Bounded by Hope Street, Grand Avenue, and 1st and 2nd Streets, it seats 2,265 people and serves, among other purposes, as the home of the Los Angeles Philharmonic orchestra and the Los Angeles Master Chorale.
[Learn more]Source : Wikipedia