머천다이즈 마트
세계 최대의 가구 및 가정용품 도매센터로 상업용 건물로는 세계에서 가장 규모가 크며 총면적은 40만m²이다. 부지 면적이 펜타곤에 이어 미국에서 두번째를 차지하는 최대 규모다.
Merchandise Mart
The Merchandise Mart (or the Merch Mart, or the Mart) is a commercial building located in downtown Chicago, Illinois. When it was opened in 1930, it was the largest building in the world, with 4,000,000 square feet (372,000 m2) of floor space. The art deco structure is located at the junction of the Chicago River's branches. The building is a leading retailing and wholesale destination, hosting 20,000 visitors and tenants per day as of the late 2000s.
[Learn more]Source : Wikipedia