김좌진 (1889-1930)
김좌진은 일제 강점기의 군인이자 독립운동가이었다. 대한제국 육군무관학교를 졸업했다. 청산리 전투를 승리로 이끈 지휘관이었으며, 김동삼, 오동진 등과 3대 맹장으로 불리기도 하였다. 1930년 공산주의자 박상실에 의해 피살되었다.
[자세히보기]출처 : Wikipedia
Kim Jwajin (1889-1930)
Kim was born to a wealthy family of the Andong Kim lineage in Hongseong County, Chungcheong province. His father was Kim Hyeong-gyu. When Kim was 18, he released 50 families of slaves when he publicly burned the slave registry and provided each family with enough land to live on. This was the first emancipation of slaves in modern Korea.
[Learn more]Source : Wikipedia