뮌헨 올림픽공원
올륌피아파르크는 독일 뮌헨에 있는 올림픽 공원이다. 1972년 하계 올림픽 때 사용하기 위해 건설되었다. 주경기장, 실내경기장, 선수촌, 프레스센터, 공원으로 구성되어있다
[자세히보기]출처 : Wikipedia
Olympiapark (Munich)
The Olympiapark is an Olympic Park which was constructed for the 1972 Summer Olympics. Located in the Oberwiesenfeld neighborhood of Munich, the Park continues to serve as a venue for cultural, social, and religious events, such as events of worship. It includes a contemporary carillon. The Park is administered by Olympiapark München GmbH, a holding company fully owned by the state capital of Munich.
[자세히보기]출처 : Wikipedia