HMAP World Story
라호야 해변
행정구역상으로는 샌디에이고에 속해 있지만 라호야는 샌디에이고와는 또 다른 분위기이다. 세련된 호텔과 상점, 카페가 모두 걸어 다닐 만한 거리에 있는 라호야에서 이곳만의 활기를 느끼며 시간을 보내다 보면 며칠이 훌쩍 가버릴 것이다. 남부 캘리포니아에서 할 수 있는 모든 경험을 한 곳에서 할 수 있는 도시라고 해도 과언이 아니다.
[자세히보기]출처 : Visit California
La Jolla Beach
La Jolla Cove is a small, picturesque cove and beach that is surrounded by cliffs in La Jolla, San Diego, California. The Cove is protected as part of a marine reserve; underwater it is very rich in marine life, and is popular with snorkelers, swimmers and scuba divers. The swells that often roll in from the open ocean here can be rather large and strong, and so being in the water at the Cove is not always suitable for people who do not have good water skills. The water temperature is also often a little colder than the average San Diego beach, and the beach has the disadvantage that the dry sand area is very small at high tide. In contrast, during very low tides, a lot of interesting tide pools are revealed at the Cove.
[Learn more]Source : Wikipedia