1622년에 지어진 물랭 드 라 갈래트는 댄스홀로 운영이 되다가 지금은 레스토랑으로 운영이 되고 있다. 르누아르의 '물랭 드 라 갈래트의 무도회'의 배경이 되었다.
Moulin de la Galette
The windmill Moulin de la Galette, also known as Blute-fin, was built in 1622. The name Blute-fin comes from the French verb bluter which means sifting flour for the separation from bran. The Debray family acquired the two mills in 1809 for producing flour, the Blute-fin and the Radet, built in 1717. But it was also used to pressurize the harvest or grind materials needed for manufacturing.
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□ Bal du Moulin de la Galette, Montmartre (Renoir) / 물랭 드 라 갈래트의 무도회(르누아르)
□ Moulin de la Galette (Vincent Van Gogh)