도비가트는 뭄바이의 잘 알려진 공동 빨래터이다. 뭄바이의 도비가트는 약 180년동안 이어진 장소이며 판자집들이 다닥다닥 붙어있고 빨래를 생업으로 살아간다. '도비왈라'라고 불리는 빨래꾼들이 뭄바이 호텔들과 병원들의 옷가지 등을 주로 세탁한다.
Dhobi Ghat
Dhobi Ghat is an open air laundromat (lavoir) in Mumbai, India. The washers, known as dhobis, work in the open to clean clothes and linens from Mumbai's hotels and hospitals. It was constructed in 1890. There are rows of open-air concrete wash pens, each fitted with its own flogging stone. Called the world's largest outdoor laundry, Dhobi Ghat is a very popular attraction among foreign tourists.
[Learn more]Source : Wikipedia