티루발루바 동상
티루발루바 동상은 높이 40m정도로, "가난한 사람에게 베푸는 것만이 유일한 선물이다." 라는 말을 남긴 시인이자 철할자인 티루발루바를 기리는 조각상이다. 작은 섬에 위치해 있어서 배를타고 들어가야 볼 수 있다.
Thiruvalluvar Statue
The Thiruvalluvar Statue, or the Valluvar Statue, is a 133-feet (40.6 m) tall stone sculpture of the Tamil poet and philosopher Tiruvalluvar, author of the Tirukkural, an ancient Tamil work on secular ethics and morality. It is located atop a small island near the town of Kanyakumari on the southernmost point of the Indian peninsula on the Coromandel Coast, where two seas (the Bay of Bengal and the Arabian Sea) and an ocean (the Indian Ocean) meet.
[Learn more]Source : Wikipedia