의상 (625-702)
의상은 고대 통일신라시대 중기의 왕족 출신, 고승이다. 또한, 통일신라시대 초기의 작가이자 철학자이기도 했다. 그는 중국 당나라에 유학하여 중국화엄종 제2대 조사인 지엄으로부터 화엄종을 수학하고 법통을 이어받았다. 또한, 한국 화엄종의 시조이며, 속성은 김이다.
[자세히보기]출처 : Wikipedia
Uisang (625-702)
He is famous for his travel to Tang China with his friend, Wonhyo. At one point they were captured by border guards and held for ten days as suspected spies but were subsequently released and expelled. Late, Wonhyo left Uisang, after unknowingly drinking water from a skull in the dark. The shock of this brought about an enlightenment experience such that he felt it was unnecessary to continue to China in search of wisdom. Dismayed, but nonetheless determined, Uisang continued on his journey eventually reaching China by sea.
[Learn more]Source : Wikipedia