수블라키는 유명한 그리스의 패스트 푸드인데 주로 꼬치에 여러 조각의 고기와 채소를 꽂아 구워먹는다. 이 음식은 주로 피타라는 그리스식 빵에 구운 감자와 여러 고명과 소스를 곁들여 먹는다. 고기는 주로 돼지고기, 소고기, 양고기를 쓴다.
[자세히보기]출처 : Wikipedia
Souvlaki is a popular Greek fast food consisting of small pieces of meat and sometimes vegetables grilled on a skewer. It is usually eaten straight off the skewer while still hot. It can be served with pita bread, fried potatoes, lemon, and sauces, but the souvlaki itself is eaten on its own, with the side dishes eaten subsequently. The meat usually used in Greece and Cyprus is pork, although chicken, beef, and lamb may also be used. In other countries (and for tourists), souvlaki may be made with meats such as lamb, beef, chicken, and sometimes fish.
[Learn more]Source : Wikipedia