수산리 고분벽화 (水山里古墳壁畵)
수산리 고분벽화는 회벽을 바르고 그 위에 그림을 그렸다. 현재는 널방 북벽과 동벽이 심하게 훼손된 상태이다. 널길 좌우에 문지기 장수를 그렸고, 널방에는 무덤 주인 부부의 생활모습을 묘사하였다. 널방의 각 벽에는 기둥, 두공, 들보 등을 그려 넣어 무덤의 내부를 마치 목조 건물처럼 보이도록 치장하였다.
[자세히보기]출처 : 동북아역사재단
Susanri Tomb
The Susan-ri Tomb is a mounded stone chamber tomb with mural paintings built around the late fifth century. It is located in Susan-ri, South Pyeongan Province, in North Korea. The tomb was excavated and investigated in 1971, when almost all the relics had already been stolen and the mural paintings had been greatly damaged. This is a single-chamber tomb, and the subjects of the mural paintings are customs of that society. The indoors lives of the master of the tomb and his wife are depicted on the northern wall, which is the central wall of the tomb.
[Learn more]Source : Northest Asian History Foundation