펑리수또는 옹라이소(는 파인애플 잼과 버터, 밀가루, 달걀, 설탕 등을 원료로 넣어 구운 과자로, 타이완의 대표 과자이다. 일부 제빵사는 과자에 들어갈 잼을 만들 때 파인애플을 동아로 대체하거나 추가로 넣기도 한다. 푸석푸석하고 향기로운 껍질과 쫀득하고 달콤한 과일로 채워진 속으로 되어 있어서 차나 다른 음료와 궁합이 좋다.
[자세히보기]출처 : Wikipedia
Fengli Su (Pineapple Cake)
Pineapples became a critical component of Taiwan's economy during the Japanese era, during which Japanese industrialists imported a wide variety of pineapple cultivars and established numerous processing plants. By the late 1930s, Taiwan had become the third-largest exporter of pineapples in the world. However, when pineapple production in Taiwan shifted toward domestic sales and use of fresh pineapple, local bakeries sought to use this surplus in pastries. While pineapple cakes had historically been produced as a ceremonial food, a combination of governmental promotion and globalization popularized the pineapple cake. Pineapple cakes have become one of the top-selling souvenirs in Taiwan.
[Learn more]Source : Wikipedia