귀부 와인 (소테른)
귀부는 글자 그대로 '고귀한 썩음'으로, 영어의 noble rot를 한자어로 쓴 것이다. 유명한 디저트 와인 생산법의 하나이며, 사실상 제일 오래된 디저트 와인 생산법이라 할 수 있다. 세계에서 최고가 와인중 하나인 샤또 디켐(Château d'Yquem)이 이 귀부 방식으로 생산된다. 독일의 트로켄베렌아우스레제와 헝가리의 토카이 그리고 프랑스의 소테른이 3대 귀부와인으로 손꼽힌다.
[자세히보기]출처 : namuwiki
Noble Rot (Sauternes)
As in most of France, viticulture is believed to have been introduced into Aquitania by the Romans. The earliest evidence of sweet wine production, however, dates only to the 17th century. While the English had been the region's primary export market since the Middle Ages, their tastes primarily ran to drier wines, starting with clairet in medieval times and eventually shifting to red claret. It was the Dutch traders of the 17th century who first developed an interest in white wine. For years they were active in the trade of German wines but production in Germany began to wane in the 17th century as the popularity of beer increased. The Dutch saw an opportunity for a new production source in Bordeaux and began investing in the planting of white grape varieties.
[Learn more]Source : Wikipedia