송도해수욕장 동쪽 송림공원에서 거북섬을 연결했던 추억 속 "송도구름다리"가 암남공원에서 동섬을 잇는 현대판 ''송도용궁구름다리''로 재탄생했다. 길이 127m, 폭 2m의 송도용궁구름다리에서는 바다 위를 걷는 짜릿함을 느낌과 동시에 시원스럽게 펼쳐지는 바다 풍광, 기암절벽이 빚어내는 천혜의 경관을 감상할 수 있다.
[자세히보기]출처 : 한국관광공사
Songdo Yonggung Suspension Bridge
You have probably heard of Songdo Beach in Busan which is the first beach in Korea. This well-known beach has been reorganized and reborn as the new hot spot of Busan. Songdo Beach is known for its four famous sites names the Songdo Cloud Trails, Busan Air Cruise, Songdo Coastal Trail, and Songdo Yonggung Suspension Bridge. Today, we would like to introduce to you the Songdo Yonggung Suspension Bridge that is getting popularity on social media.
[Learn more]Source : Visit Busan