칼바도스 지역에서 생산되는 사과 증류주를 말한다. 포도가 아니라 사과로 만든다. 포도 생산이 안 되는 칼바도스 지역에서 사과로 만든 시드르를 증류시켜 만든 유명한 Apple Brandy이며 알코올 도수 40~45%의 매우 드라이한 사과향기의 브랜디.
[자세히보기]출처 : 나무위키
Apple orchards and brewers are mentioned as far back as the 8th century by Charlemagne. The first known record of Norman distillation was made by squire Gilles de Gouberville in 1553, and the guild for cider distillation was created about 50 years later in 1606. In the 17th century, the traditional cider farms expanded, but taxation and prohibition of cider brandies were enforced elsewhere than Brittany, Maine, and Normandy.
[Learn more]Source : Wikipedia