HMAP World Story
동의보감은 허준이 지은 한의학에 대한 임상의학 백과사전으로서, 1596년(선조 29)부터 편찬하여 1610년(광해 2)에 완성된 의학서이다. 당시 의학을 집대성했다는 평가를 받고 있다. 허준이 직접 간행에 관여하여 나온 동의보감의 어제본은 국립중앙도서관과 한국학중앙연구원에 소장 중으로, 각각 국보 319호와 319-2호로 지정되었으며, 유네스코 세계기록유산으로 등록되었다.
[자세히보기]출처 : Wikipedia
The Dongui Bogam is a Korean book compiled by the royal physician, Heo Jun and was first published in 1613 during the Joseon Dynasty of Korea. The title literally means “a priceless book about medicines of an Eastern Country”. The word "Eastern" is not the antonym to the Western World's 'Western', but Heo Jun gave the book such a name because Eastern Country was one of the sobriquets of Korea. The book is regarded as important in traditional Korean medicine, and is one of the classics of Oriental medicine today. As of July 2009, it is on UNESCO’s Memory of the World Programme.
[Learn more]Source : Wikipedia