임꺽정 (?-1562)
임꺽정은 조선 명종 때의 황해도 지방의 백정 출신 도적이다. 홍길동, 장길산과 함께 조선 3대 도적 가운데 한 사람으로 여겨지며 임거정, 임거질정 등으로도 쓴다. 백정이었으나 성씨가 있는 것으로 보아 선조 중에 임씨 성을 가진 사대부가 있었을 것으로 추정되나 정확하지는 않다.
[자세히보기]출처 : Wikipedia
Im Kkeokjeong (?-1562)
Im Kkeokjeong was born in Yangju, Gyeonggi Province. His father was a butcher, which was considered one of the lowly jobs. Im was the leader of a peasant rebellion in Hwanghae Province in 1559-1562. The initial cause of the revolt was taxation. He started off with a band but later the number grew as he began killing rich people and giving out food to the poor. His group of thieves eventually grew to number in the hundreds. They even built a small wooden castle and called themselves Noklimdang.
[Learn more]Source : Wikipedia