Hafiz Mustafa 1864
Candy maker Hafız Mustafa was founded by Hadji İsmail Hakkı Bey during the reign of Sultan Abdulaziz Khan in Bahçekapı, Istanbul in 1864, and then it was taken over by his son, Hafız Mustafa. Hadji İsmail Hakkı Bey, one of the first producers of sugar-candy, first started making sugar candies with dibek stone at the basement floor of the shop. Hafız Mustafa was occupied with candy-making and confectionary during the period in which his father operated the shop and he was a volunteering muezzin in the Arpacılar Mosque at the same time.
[Learn more]Source : hafizmustafa.com
ⓔ Lokum (Turkish Delight) / 로쿰
로쿰은 설탕에 전분과 견과류 (호두, 피스타치오, 아몬드, 헤이즐넛, 코코넛)를 더해 만든 터키의 과자다. 발칸 반도, 그리스 등지에도 알려져있다. 영어로는 터키시 딜라이트(Turkish delight)라고 한다.
[자세히보기]출처 : Wikipedia
Lokum (Turkish delight)
Turkish delight or lokum is a family of confections based on a gel of starch and sugar. Premium varieties consist largely of chopped dates, pistachios, and hazelnuts or walnuts bound by the gel; traditional varieties are often flavored with rosewater, mastic, Bergamot orange, or lemon.
[Learn more]Source : Wikipedia