박열(朴烈, 1902-1974)
박열은 한국의 아나키스트, 사회운동가이다. 본관은 함양. 본명은 박준식. 간토 대지진 직후 대역사건 중 하나인 박열 사건의 주모자로 체포된 후 1945년까지 22년간 투옥 후 출소하여 일본에서 결성된 한국인 교민단체인 재일본조선거류민단의 초대 단장을 지냈다.
[자세히보기]출처 : Wikipedia
Pak Yol (1902-1974)
Pak Yol was a Korean anarchist and independence activist who was convicted of high treason in Japan for conspiring to attack the Imperial House of Japan and assassinate Emperor Hirohito. His name is also spelled Bak Yeol, and he is also sometimes known by his birth name Pak Jun-sik. Park was sentenced to death in March 1926, albeit his sentence was commuted to life in prison the following month. He was released from prison by U.S. military occupation authorities in October, following the end of World War II.
[Learn more]Source : Wikipedia
ⓢ Pak Yol Memorial Hall / 박열의사 기념관