Onin War
応仁の乱 (1467-1477)

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오닌의 난 (応仁の乱)

오닌의 난은 일본 무로마치 시대인 오닌 원년(1467년) 1월 2일에 일어난, 쇼군 후계 문제를 둘러싸고 지방의 슈고 다이묘들이 교토에서 벌인 항쟁이다. 사건의 발생 시점의 연호를 따서 오닌의 난으로 불리는 것이 통상이지만, 주요 사건의 대부분이 분메이 연간에 걸쳐 있었다 하여 오닌·분메이의 난이라고 불리기도 한다.


출처 : Wikipedia

Onin War (1467-1477)

The Ōnin War, also known as the Upheaval of Ōnin and Ōnin-Bunmei war, was a civil war that lasted from 1467 to 1477, during the Muromachi period in Japan. Ōnin refers to the Japanese era during which the war started; the war ended during the Bunmei era. A dispute between Hosokawa Katsumoto and Yamana Sōzen escalated into a nationwide civil war involving the Ashikaga shogunate and a number of daimyō in many regions of Japan.

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Source : Wikipedia

ⓢ Goryo Shrine / 고료신사(御霊神社)

Goryo Shrine

Goryo Shrine was established during the Heian Period of Japanese history on the site of a former Buddhist temple and the shrine nowadays has much of the look of a Buddhist temple rather than a Shinto shrine. Goryo Shrine was reputedly founded on the orders of the Emperor Kammu (737-806) after Kyoto became the imperial capital in 794. The shrine is a guardian shrine of the Imperial Palace of Kyoto and prayers have been said here for centuries to placate evil spirits that may threaten the city.

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Source : Japan visitor

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