초량왜관 (草梁倭館)
조선 후기 부산광역시 중구 신창동, 중앙동, 광복동, 남포동, 대청동 일대에 있던 왜관이다. 초량 왜관은 조선 전기 부산포 왜관, 임진왜란 직후 설치된 절영도 왜관, 1607년(선조 40) 조성된 두모포 왜관에 이은 네 번째 왜관이다. 조선 후기 왜관은 조선과 일본의 외교와 무역이 진행된 곳으로 대마도에서 온 500여 명의 성인 남성이 거주하였다. 조선 전기 왜관에 가족을 동반하던 것이 임진왜란 이후에는 금지되었다.
[자세히보기]출처 : 부산역사문화대전
Choryang waegwan
The waegwan of Choryang is located in present-day Yongdusan Park, Jung-gu, Busan. Also known as the shinwakan, the settlement, established in 1678, was expanded more than ten times from the old site at Dumo-po and was twenty-five times larger than the Dutch port of Dejima.[9] Among the facilities from the old settlement, trading centers, courthouses, and a new Benzaiten shrine was constructed. About 400-500 people lived in Choryang at any given time; only the daimyō of Tsushima and his staff were allowed to live on waegwan grounds, along with a handful of Japanese merchants and peddlers. International students studying medicine and Korean culture were permitted to also live.
[Learn more]Source : Wikipedia