의천(義天, 1055-1101)
의천은 고려시대의 왕족 출신 승려, 작가이다. 흔히 대각국사라고 부르는데, 그것은 시호이다. 고려 문종의 넷째 아들로서, 어머니는 인예태후이다. 순종, 선종, 숙종의 친동생이며, 추존왕 양헌왕의 이복 형이다. 대한불교천태종을 세운 한국 천태종의 중흥시조로서, 대한불교천태종에서 3대 종조 가운데 한 사람으로 추앙받고 있다. 개경 출신이다.
[자세히보기]출처 : Wikipedia
Uicheon (1055-1101)
Uicheon was a Korean Buddhist monk who founded the Cheontae school of Buddhism. He was the son of King Munjong of Goryeo. He lived at Ryongtongsa in Kaesong for much of his life and was buried there, where his tomb can be found today. From 1073 to 1090 he collected Tripiṭaka commentaries from Korea, China, the Khitan Empire and Japan, which were published as the "Goryeo Catalog of Sutras". Guksa was his title (‘National Preceptor’), while Daegak was his posthumous Dharma name, meaning "Grand Enlightenment".
[Learn more]Source : Wikipedia