HMAP World Story
개성 남대문
1391년에 착공하여 1394년(태조 3년)에 완공했다. 그 뒤 여러 차례의 보수를 했으며, 1900년(광무 4년)에 크게 개수했다. 1950년 한국 전쟁 때 파괴되어 1954년에 다시 복구하였다. 내성은 1393년(태조 2년)에 쌓은 석성으로 남대문, 동대문, 북소문 등 7개의 문과 두 곳에 수구문(水口門)을 설치하였다.
[자세히보기]출처 : Wikipedia
Kaesong Namdaemun (South Gate)
The Kaesong Namdaemun is the south gate of the old walled city of Kaesong, North Korea. Constructed between 1391 and 1393, it is the only one of the original seven citadel gates to survive mostly intact into the present. Started at the end of the Koryo period in 1391, it was completed three years later under the succeeding Joseon dynasty. It features a stone base topped by a wooden pavilion; however, the pavilion seen today is a 1954 reconstruction as the original was destroyed in 1950 by American bombing during the Korean War.
[Learn more]Source : Wikipedia